- A
- abatement
- conflicts of interest
- expenditure
- mutual gains
- value of
- abatement costs
- feasible set
- least-cost
- marginal
- measure of
- abatement policies
- cost-benefit analysis
- difference between countries
- efficiency
- see also environmental policies
- ability differences
- absolute advantage
- accelerator, financial
- accidents of birth
- Acconcia, Antonio
- administrative feasibility
- administrative infeasibility
- Admati, Anat
- Adobe
- adverse selection
- advertising
- agglomeration
- aggregate demand
- and deflation
- fluctuations
- in multiplier model
- and unemployment
- air miles
- Airbnb
- Akerlof, George
- Allen, Robert
- Allende, Salvador
- allocation
- definition
- imposed
- Pareto dominant
- Pareto efficient
- and surplus
- altruism
- definition
- and indifference curves
- and prisoners’ dilemma
- Annan, Kofi
- anti-globalization
- antibiotics
- antitrust policy
- Apple
- arbitrage
- Arctic sea ice
- Argentina
- Ariely, Daniel
- Arrow, Kenneth
- ‘A cautious case for socialism’
- asset prices
- bubbles
- momentum
- assets
- definition
- fire sales
- firm-specific
- international holdings
- market
- Auerbach, Alan
- austerity
- Australia
- abatement policies
- capital flows
- and climate change
- currency depreciation
- earnings and unemployment
- golden age
- indigenous people
- zinc mining
- Austria
- postwar accord
- trade unions
- unemployment
- Ausubel, Lawrence
- automatic stabilization
- automatic teller machines (ATMs)
- automation
- see also innovation; technology
- average product of labour
- see also labour productivity
- B
- Bacon, Francis, New Atlantis
- bads, private and public
- balance of payments
- balance sheet
- Baltic Dry Index
- Bank for International Settlements in Basel
- bank lending rate
- banking crisis
- banks
- assets
- bailout
- balance sheet
- bankruptcy
- borrowing
- confidence in
- definition
- deposits
- failure
- government rescue
- leverage
- liabilities
- liquidity
- money creation
- net worth
- reserves
- reform
- role in crisis
- run on
- solvency
- too big to fail
- see also central banks
- bargaining
- externalities
- gains from
- gap
- bargaining power
- definition
- and differentiated goods
- in exchange
- and inflation
- and pollution
- and surplus
- see also trade unions
- Barro, Robert
- base money
- bathtub model
- behavioural experiments
- see also experiments
- Belgium
- economic performance
- postwar accord
- US investment
- working hours
- benefits, private
- benevolence
- Berners-Lee, Tim
- Besley, Tim
- Beveridge, William
- Beveridge curve
- Bewley, Truman
- biodiversity loss
- biosphere dynamics
- Bitcoin
- board of directors
- Boigny, Felix Houphouet
- Bolivia
- bonds
- corporate
- government
- prices and yields
- borrowers
- and inflation
- wealth of
- borrowing
- abroad
- for consumption
- and consumption smoothing
- price of
- see also debt
- Botswana
- Bowley, A. L.
- Brandt, Willy
- Brazil
- elections
- shrimpers
- unemployment
- US investment
- Bretton Woods system
- broad money
- Brockman, David
- Brunnermeier, Markus
- Brynjolfsson, Erik
- bubbles
- causes
- definition
- modelled
- questioned
- see also prices
- budget
- constraint
- government
- Bush, George H. W.
- Bush, George W.
- business confidence
- business cycles
- definition
- government role
- private sector role
- see also fluctuations
- C
- Canada
- abatement policies
- capital flows
- economic performance
- golden age
- US investment
- Cantillon, Richard
- cap and trade
- capacity utilization
- capacity-constrained
- capital
- controls on
- goods
- human
- intensity
- and labour
- marginal returns to
- natural
- net flows
- stock
- capital markets
- international
- price gaps
- capitalism
- as an economic system
- definition
- economic conditions
- and innovation
- Keynes on
- political conditions
- and specialization
- see also golden age of capitalism
- capitalist revolution
- carbon dioxide
- in fossil fuel reserves
- and GDP
- and temperature increase
- see also greenhouse gases
- carbon emissions
- carbon tax
- Cardenas, Juan Camilo
- cartel
- Case, Anne
- cash payments
- Cassidy, John
- Castro, Fidel
- Castro, Raul
- causality
- and correlation
- definition
- reverse
- Ceausescu, Nicolae
- central banks
- independent
- indifference curves
- inflation target
- interest rate
- Phillips curve
- stabilization
- see also banks; monetary policy
- central planning
- ceteris paribus
- Chamberlin, Edward
- child healthcare policies
- child mortality
- Chile
- economic feasibility
- rights
- special interests
- stock market prices
- China
- abatement policies
- Foxconn
- GDP decomposed
- hockey stick
- independence
- inequality
- manufacturing
- opening to trade
- productivity
- specialization
- US investment
- village elections
- choice, modelled
- civil liberties
- civil rights
- Clark, Andrew
- Clark, Gregory
- climate change
- conflicts of interest
- and economic activity
- irreversibility
- positive feedback
- problems of assessing
- scientific knowledge
- and technological progress
- tipping point
- unrepresented generations
- see also abatement; abatement costs; abatement policies; environmental policies
- Clinton, Bill
- co-insurance
- coal
- Coase, Ronald
- coercive power
- Cohen, Jack
- collateral
- collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
- collective action
- colonists
- commodities
- global prices
- common currency area
- common-pool resource
- comparative advantage
- definition
- and specialization
- theory
- comparative static approach
- compensation, enforced
- competition
- and the dictator
- as discipline
- electoral
- firms
- and globalization
- perfect
- political
- and the price-setting curve
- and the ultimatum game
- winner-take-all
- see also electoral competition; political competition
- competition policy
- competitions
- competitive equilibrium tests
- competitive goods and labour markets
- computation/computers
- concave function
- confidence
- conflict, model of
- conflicts of interest
- abatement
- climate change
- resolution
- constrained choice problem
- constrained optimization
- Consumer Price Index (CPI)
- consumer surplus
- consumption
- aggregate function
- autonomous
- borrowing for
- in circular flow model
- conspicuous
- definition
- diminishing marginal returns to
- and expectations
- and free time
- and interest rate
- and investing
- measuring
- and taxation
- and working hours
- consumption goods
- consumption smoothing
- and borrowing
- lessons from
- lifetime
- limits to
- contingent valuation
- contracts
- complete
- definition
- employment
- incomplete
- for labour
- and market failure
- non-compete
- for products
- control and ownership
- cooperation
- definition
- international
- cooperatives
- coordination game
- definition
- investment
- copyright
- copyright laws
- CORE Project
- Dilbert law of firm hierarchy
- corporate bonds
- correlation and causality
- Corsetti, Giancarlo
- cost-benefit analysis
- discount rate
- costs
- average
- external
- first copy
- innovation
- private
- of production
- of trade
- transaction
- cotton
- countercyclical
- Cournot, Augustin, Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth
- crashes
- Creative Commons copyright
- creative destruction
- definition
- lessons from
- credit
- constraints on
- crunch
- rationing
- credit market
- failure
- and inequality
- principal–agent problem
- remedies
- credit ratings agencies
- credit-excluded
- Crockett, Andrew
- crowding out
- culture
- currency depreciation
- current account
- cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings (CAPE) ratio
- D
- Davenant, Charles
- Davis, Mike
- deadweight loss
- Deaton, Angus
- debt
- government
- private sector peak
- rising
- see also borrowing
- decision-making and scarcity
- default risk
- deflation
- and aggregate demand
- definition
- deforestation
- deglobalization
- demand
- aggregate
- autonomous
- and equilibrium
- excess
- expectations
- price elasticity
- shocks
- short-run
- and unemployment
- demand curve
- definition
- and marginal rate of transformation (MRT)
- and profits
- and willingness to pay (WTP)
- demand side
- crisis
- definition
- model
- democracy
- the advance of
- definition
- discipline
- elections
- and equality
- and globalization
- and government failure
- as a political institution
- and unfairness
- varieties of
- democratic accountability
- of elected officials
- and transfers of power
- democratic bias
- Denmark
- equality
- fat tax
- government size
- inequality
- depreciation
- deregulation
- derivatives
- developmental state
- dictator
- and competition
- duration curve
- reasons for removing
- rent-seeking
- tax decisions
- diffusion gap
- diffusion-invention trade-off
- digital rights management (DRM) technology
- discipline model
- discount rate
- discrimination
- diseconomies
- external
- of scale
- disequilibrium process
- disequilibrium rent
- disinflation
- distribution
- effect of tax level
- and external effect
- see also redistribution
- diversification
- division of labour
- firms and markets
- and market exchange
- see also labour
- Dixit, Avinash
- dominant strategy equilibrium
- dominated
- Druckenmiller, Stanley
- drugs, new
- Dube, Arin
- Durand, Peter
- Durkheim, Emile
- Durlauf, Steven
- dynamic model
- E
- earnings
- definition
- high
- inequality
- versus free time
- see also wages
- East Germany
- economic accountability
- economic cost
- economic differences, intergenerational transmission
- economic epochs
- lessons from
- see also global financial crisis; golden age of capitalism; Great Depression; great moderation
- economic fluctuations see fluctuations
- economic growth see growth
- economic models
- culture and politics
- dynamic
- Malthusian
- technology and costs
- trial and error
- use of
- economic performance
- determinants of
- and government policies
- and institutions
- economic rents
- definition
- role of
- see also rent
- economic systems
- economics, definition
- economies, external see externalities
- economies of agglomeration
- economies of scale
- definition
- and innovation
- networks
- of a pipe
- see also returns to scale
- economies of scope
- economy
- and environment
- model of
- Edgeworth, Francis, Mathematical Psychics
- education
- and inequality
- primary
- and training
- see also schooling
- Edward, King
- efficiency and fairness
- efficient market hypothesis
- effort, isocost line
- Egypt
- Ehrlich, Paul
- El Salvador
- elasticity
- long-run
- short-run
- of supply
- elasticity of demand
- and marginal revenue
- relative
- and taxation
- elected officials, accountability
- elections
- electoral competition
- emigration see immigration; migration
- emissions trading
- employees, best response function
- employers
- associations
- incentives
- indifference curves
- MRS and MRT
- relationship with trade unions
- employment
- contract
- and fiscal policy
- and government policy
- and incomplete contracts
- measuring
- rate
- and real wages
- rent
- see also unemployment
- employment protection legislation
- employment rent
- calculation of
- determinants of
- endogenous
- endowments
- and income
- and inequality
- and labour markets
- and principal–agent models
- Engels, Friedrich, The Communist Manifesto
- entrepreneur, definition
- environment, and economy
- environment-consumption
- indifference curves
- marginal rate of transformation (MRT)
- trade-offs
- environmental behaviours
- environmental collapse
- environmental cost
- environmental degradation
- environmental dynamics
- environmental effects
- Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
- environmental policies
- legal
- price-based
- quantity-based
- win-win
- see also abatement policies
- environmental spillovers
- environmental sustainability
- equality, and democracy
- equilibrium
- competitive
- definition
- and demand increase
- dominant strategy
- invisible hand game
- long-run
- perfectly competitive
- price
- rent
- rent-seeking
- short-run
- stable
- and supply
- sustainable environment
- tipping point
- unemployment
- unstable
- see also Nash equilibrium
- equity
- ethics
- Ethiopia
- European Commission
- European Union
- Common Agricultural Policy
- European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
- Eurozone
- crisis
- GDP decomposed
- evolutionary economics
- exchange, gains from
- exchange rates
- exchange-traded note (ETN)
- exit
- exogenous
- expectations
- inflation
- and the multiplier
- profits
- expenditure
- bathtub analogy
- government
- and taxation
- experiments
- behavioural
- causality
- forest-commons management
- laboratory
- natural
- saving behaviour
- exporters
- exports
- external benefit
- external cost
- external effects
- and bargaining
- definition
- and distribution
- innovation
- recap
- externalities
- market failure
- negative
- networks
- positive
- F
- factor endowments
- factors of production
- fairness
- definition
- and efficiency
- evaluating
- indifference curve
- policies
- polluter pays principle
- preference for
- procedural judgements of
- substantive judgements of
- see also unfairness
- fallacy of composition
- fallback (reservation) option
- Fama, Eugene
- family businesses
- Farnie, Douglas
- feasibility
- administrative
- economic
- feasible allocations
- biological
- technical
- feasible combinations
- feasible consumption set
- feasible frontier
- feasible invention
- feasible set
- definition
- government
- and opportunity cost
- FedEx
- feedback
- negative
- positive
- Fehr, Ernst
- Fiji
- film production company
- financial accelerator
- financial assets
- financial crisis
- financial deregulation
- financial innovation
- Finland
- economic performance
- equality
- expenditure
- government size
- inequality
- manufacturing wages
- firm-specific asset
- firms
- competition
- decision-making
- definition
- division of labour
- exit and entry
- hiring decisions
- and markets
- and power
- price-setting
- price-taking
- size
- see also market
- first adopters
- fiscal capacity
- fiscal multiplier
- fiscal policy
- definition
- and employment
- and fluctuations
- Great Depression
- in periods of crisis
- and trade
- see also government policies
- fiscal stimulus
- Fisher, Irving
- Fisher equation
- flow
- fluctuations
- and austerity
- and fiscal policy
- and growth
- and unemployment
- households reaction to
- investment
- see also business cycles
- Fogel, Robert
- Fong, Christina
- Bullit Motor Company
- foreign direct investment (FDI)
- foreign exchange market
- foreign portfolio investment
- France
- abatement policies
- BNP Paribas
- capital flows
- coercive power
- construction
- creative destruction
- elections
- hours of work
- inequality
- Physiocrats
- postwar accord
- relative prices
- revolution
- sugar tax
- unemployment
- US investment
- working hours
- free rider
- definition
- and game theory
- and public goods
- and punishment
- free time
- and air miles
- and consumption
- versus earnings
- Freeman, Richard
- Friedman, Milton
- Friedman, Milton, Essays in Positive Economics
- G
- gains
- from exchange
- from trade
- Galbraith, John Kenneth
- Gallegati, Mauro
- Galton, Francis
- game theory
- definition
- dominant strategy equilibrium
- game tree
- games
- definition
- invisible hand
- labour discipline
- prisoners’ dilemma
- public goods
- repeated
- rules of
- sequential and simultaneous
- ultimatum
- zero sum
- Gandhi, Mahatma
- garment manufacturing
- Garnier, Jean-Pierre
- GDP (gross domestic product)
- circular flow model
- and carbon dioxide
- deflator
- global distribution
- growth
- measuring
- nominal
- poor measure of
- real
- General Mills
- Germany
- abatement policies
- banks
- Berlin Wall
- Beveridge curve
- capital flows
- chemical industry
- economic performance
- employment
- government size
- inequality
- Infineon
- innovation system
- a natural experiment
- postwar accord
- protectionism
- revolution
- textiles
- unemployment
- US investment
- Gini, Corrado
- Gini coefficient
- borrowers and lenders
- see also inequality, Lorenz curve
- global warming see climate change
- globalization
- indicator
- and inequality
- and investment
- of labour
- measuring
- and migration
- trilemma of the world economy
- Globalization I
- Globalization II
- gold standard
- golden age of capitalism
- end of
- industrial relations
- policies
- good luck
- goods
- artificially scarce or club
- common-pool resource
- complements
- differentiated
- knowledge-intensive
- market equilibrium
- merit
- non-rival
- private
- rationed
- substitutes
- Gordon, Robert, The Rise and Fall of American Growth
- Gore, Al
- Gorodnichenko, Yuriy
- governing elites
- government
- bank rescue
- budget
- debt
- definition
- economic role
- expenditure
- feasible sets
- and innovation
- as monopolist
- preferences
- redistribution
- revenue
- role
- size
- transfers
- valuing goods and services
- see also developmental state
- government bonds
- government failure
- and democracy
- government policies
- change
- and demand elasticities
- and economic performance
- and employment
- golden age
- and inequality
- and inflation
- and innovation
- and labour productivity
- and labour supply
- and market failure
- predistribution
- response to recession
- and unemployment
- and wage adjustment gap
- see also fiscal policy; monetary policy
- government spending
- on goods and services
- response to
- volatility
- government-owned entities
- Graddy, Kathryn
- Graham, Andrew
- Grand Banks cod fishery
- Great Depression
- deglobalization
- fiscal policy
- monetary policy
- policy during
- positive feedbacks
- great moderation
- great recession
- Greece
- green adjustment, accounting
- greenhouse gases
- abatement policies
- see also carbon dioxide
- Greenspan, Alan
- gross domestic income
- growth
- catch-up
- and fluctuations
- green
- and hours of work
- ratio scale
- and technology
- and trade
- and unemployment
- Guadeloupe
- guard labour
- H
- Hardin, Garrett, ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’
- Harding, Matthew
- Harford, Tim
- Hargreaves, James
- Harris, Seymour
- Harrison, John
- Hausman, Jerry
- Hayek, Friedrich
- The Road to Serfdom
- Heckman, James
- Giving kids a fair chance
- Heckscher, Eli
- hedge finance
- hedonic pricing
- Helpman, Elhanan
- hidden actions problem
- hidden attributes problem
- Hirschman, Harold Albert
- Exit, Voice and Loyalty
- Hobbes, Thomas
- hockey stick of history
- causes of
- income growth
- other
- homo economicus
- Hotelling, Harold
- house prices
- modelling bubbles
- household reactions to fluctuations
- household wealth
- housing rents
- human capital
- human rights
- hyperglobalization
- I
- Ibn Battuta
- immigration
- opposition to
- policies
- see also migration
- impatience
- pure
- importers
- imports
- incentives
- definition
- employers
- investment
- managers
- work
- workers
- see also motivation
- income
- aggregate
- before tax
- definition
- disposable
- and endowments
- final
- great divergence
- historical trends
- intergenerational elasticity
- intergenerational mobility
- market
- net
- and productivity
- share of the richest
- time and country comparisons
- income distribution
- across and within countries
- across the world
- and external effects
- feasible
- and the labour market
- the missing middle
- worldwide
- income effects
- definition
- and substitution effects
- income elasticity of demand
- income growth, hockey stick
- income inequality
- 90/10 ratio
- and technology
- see also inequality
- income mobility
- incomplete contracts
- and employment
- recap
- India
- abatement policies
- agrarian economy
- bargadars
- capital intensity
- caste
- cotton
- democracy
- elections
- fishing
- government
- hockey stick
- independence
- inequality
- productivity
- rights
- indifference curves
- and altruism
- central banks
- employer
- environment-consumption
- fairness
- isoprofit curves
- and opportunity cost
- policymakers’
- reservation
- indigenous people
- Indonesia
- growth
- productivity
- industrial relations
- Industrial Revolution
- causes
- definition
- and relative prices
- industry
- definition
- employment shares
- see also manufacturing
- inequality
- 90/10 ratio
- ‘accident of birth’
- across the world
- aversion
- between countries
- categorical
- cause and effects model
- and credit market exclusion
- cross-sectional
- earnings
- economic
- and educational level
- feasible
- future of
- gender
- global
- and globalization
- and government policies
- group
- growth of
- ideal
- income
- intergenerational
- and labour market model
- market income
- measures of
- Nash equilibrium
- political and economic
- procedural theories
- rising
- and schooling
- South Africa
- and technology
- trends
- and unemployment
- unfair
- wealth
- see also income inequality
- infant industries
- infeasibility
- administrative
- economic
- inflation
- and bargaining gap
- and bargaining power
- basket of goods and services
- and capacity utilization
- conflicting claims on output
- constraints and preferences
- definition
- expected
- and government debt
- and government policy
- measuring
- and monetary policy
- and multiplier model
- and end of the golden age
- and the great moderation
- pros and cons
- and supply shocks
- targeting
- and volatility
- wage
- information
- asymmetric
- lack of
- limited
- and market failure
- missing
- unverifiable
- verifiable
- information technology
- inheritance
- innovation
- in capitalist economies
- in centrally planned economies
- and competitions
- complements
- cost-reducing
- costs
- diffusion
- diffusion gap
- and economies of scale
- external effects
- finance
- government role
- incremental
- and inequality
- institutions
- and invention
- nature of
- process
- and profit
- as public good
- and public policy
- radical
- rents
- social norm
- and structural change
- substitutes
- systems
- and tax
- and unemployment
- see also invention; technology
- innovation rent
- insolvent
- institutional change
- institutions
- definition
- and economic performance
- and efficiency outcomes
- and fairness outcomes
- innovating
- need for
- and power
- see also government policies, rules of the game insurance
- insurance
- adverse selection
- car
- co-
- lemons
- self-
- social
- Intel
- intellectual property rights
- interest rates
- bank lending
- central banks
- and consumption
- definition
- and the Great Depression and the financial crisis
- in the Fisher equation
- and investment decisions
- market
- nominal
- policy
- policy rate
- real
- short-term
- zero lower bound
- intergenerational mobility
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- international cooperation
- International Labour Organization
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- International Telecommunications Union
- Internet
- browsers
- invention
- feasible
- and innovation
- see also innovation; technology
- inventories
- investment
- aggregate function
- and consumption
- coordination game
- decisions
- fluctuations
- and globalization
- incentives
- measuring
- Nash equilibrium
- push
- recession
- savings
- and technology
- vicious circle
- virtuous circle
- volatility
- invisible hand game
- Ireland
- bank strike
- house prices
- potato famine
- isocost lines
- for effort
- isoprofit curves
- isorent curves
- isototal benefits curves
- Israel
- Italy
- Ancona fish market
- democracy
- economic performance
- guard labour
- Mafia and the multiplier
- postwar accord
- Ivory Coast
- J
- Jackson, Michael, Thriller
- Jacobson, Louis
- Japan
- capital intensity
- deflation
- economic performance
- golden age
- hockey stick
- inequality
- manufacturing wages
- Sharp
- Toshiba
- trade unions
- unemployment
- jobs
- creation and destruction
- matching
- reallocation
- John Lewis Partnership
- justice see fairness
- K
- Kalla, Joshua
- Kay, John
- Kennedy, John F.
- Kenya
- Keynes, John Maynard
- ‘Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren’
- The Economic Consequences of the Peace
- The End of Laissez-Faire
- The General Theory
- Tract on Monetary Reform
- Kindleberger, Charles
- King, Gregory
- Kirman, Alan
- knowledge
- codified and tacit
- Korean War
- Koshal, Manjulika
- Koshal, Rajindar
- Krugman, Paul
- Kyoto Protocol
- L
- laboratory experiments see experiments
- labour
- and capital
- diminishing product
- division of
- globalization
- increased supply
- measures of
- and production
- wage
- working environment
- see also division of labour; workers
- labour discipline model
- equilibrium, rent, power
- using
- wages, effort and profits
- work and wages
- labour market
- compared to goods market
- definition
- and endowments
- equilibrium, Nash
- and income distribution
- matching
- model
- Pareto efficient
- participation rate
- power
- primary
- secondary
- segmented
- labour productivity
- definition
- and government policy
- light
- and price-setting curve
- retail
- and trade unions
- labour-intensity
- Lalonde, Robert
- land-intensity
- Landes, David
- languages
- Lasswell, Harold, Politics: Who gets what, when and how
- Latin America, independence
- law, tort
- Law of Demand
- law of one price
- laws and traditions
- Lazear, Edward
- learning by doing
- LED bulbs
- legal framework
- legal tender
- Lehman Brothers
- Leibbrandt, Andreas
- lenders, and inflation
- lending
- lending abroad
- Leontief, Wassily
- Leontief paradox
- Lesotho
- leverage ratio
- liability, definition
- Liberia
- life expectancy
- lifestyles, long-term changes
- light, and labour productivity
- lighting technology
- limit order
- Lincoln, Abraham
- linear regression line
- liquidity
- risk
- living standards
- and population
- and technological progress
- lock-in
- logarithmic scale
- see also ratio scale
- long run model
- Lorenz, Max
- Lorenz curve
- borrowers and lenders
- see also inequality
- Louis XIV
- Lovenheim, Michael
- loyalty
- Lucas, Robert
- Ludd, Ned
- M
- McAfee, Andrew
- macroeconomic policy
- Maddison, Angus
- Madison, James
- Mafia
- Maginot, André
- Malaysia
- Malthus, Thomas Robert
- An Essay on the Principle of Population
- Malthus’ Law
- Malthusian economics
- diminishing product of labour
- population growth
- Malthusian trap
- and economic stagnation
- escape from
- and technology
- managers, incentives
- Mandela, Nelson
- manufacturing
- productivity
- wages
- see also industry
- marginal change
- marginal cost
- and market price
- private cost
- and profit maximization
- supply curve
- marginal product
- of capital
- marginal productivity of abatement expenditure
- marginal propensity to consume
- marginal propensity to import
- marginal rate of substitution (MRS)
- and choice
- definition
- employer
- and feasibility
- isoprofit curve
- marginal rate of transformation (MRT)
- definition
- and demand curve
- employer
- environment-consumption
- future to present
- marginal returns to capital
- marginal revenue
- definition
- and elasticity of demand
- and profit maximization
- marine chronometer
- market capitalization rate
- market exchange, and division of labour
- market failure
- and contracts
- externalities
- and government policy
- and information problems
- and property rights
- reasons for
- remedies
- market income
- market organization
- markets
- competitive
- definition
- division of labour and firms
- entry
- and equilibrium price
- and firms
- foreign exchange
- limits to
- matching (two-sided)
- missing
- non-clearing
- politics and sociology of
- and power
- and private property
- repugnant
- secondary
- short side
- size of
- tipping point
- used bicycles
- see also firms
- markup
- price-setting
- Marshall, Alfred
- Principles of Economics
- Martinique
- Marx, Karl
- Capital
- The Communist Manifesto
- matching (two-sided) markets
- failure
- model
- mathematics
- maturity transformation
- Mauroy, Pierre
- Mazzucato, Mariana
- Mbeki, Thabo
- median
- median voter model
- medium run model
- Meidner, Rudolph
- Mencken, H. L.
- menu costs
- merchandise trade
- merit good
- Mexico
- democracy
- free time
- volatility of components of GDP
- Oportunidades
- redistribution policy
- sugar tax
- working hours
- Microsoft
- migration
- and globalization
- see also immigration
- Mill, John Stuart, The Principles of Political Economy
- Miller, Grant
- minimum acceptable offer, definition
- Minsky, Hyman
- Can ‘It’ Happen Again?
- Mitterrand, François
- mobile phones
- model of choice and conflict
- Mokyr, Joel
- monetary policy
- definition
- exchange rate channel
- Great Depression
- and inflation
- inflation targeting
- limits to
- in periods of crisis
- quantitative easing
- in a recession
- transmission
- and zero lower bound
- see also central banks
- money
- base
- broad
- definition
- supply and demand
- types of
- monopoly
- definition
- and intellectual property rights
- natural
- monopoly rents
- Montreal Protocol
- moral hazard
- mortgage
- mortgage-backed securities (MBSs)
- Moser, Petra
- motivation see incentives
- MP3 format
- multinational companies
- multiplier
- calculation
- and expectations
- fiscal
- and imports
- and Mafia
- and policymaking
- process
- and recession
- and taxation
- multiplier model
- assumptions
- with consumption and investment
- with government and trade
- and inflation
- myopia
- see also short-termism
- N
- Naidu, Suresh
- Nasdaq index
- Nash, John
- Nash equilibrium
- choice of
- definition
- inequality
- investment
- in the labour discipline model
- in the labour market model
- in the median voter model
- shifting
- wage-setting curve
- national accounts
- natural resources
- negotiation
- nepotism
- net worth
- Netherlands
- equality
- free time
- government size
- hours of work
- inequality
- postwar accord
- trade unions
- unemployment
- US investment
- Wassenaar Accord
- working hours
- networks
- economies of scale
- external effects
- social
- New Zealand
- democracy
- golden age
- inflation targeting
- News Corp
- Newton, Isaac
- Niger
- Nigeria
- non-excludable public goods
- non-profit organizations
- Nordhaus, William
- North Korea
- Norton, Michael
- Norway
- abatement policies
- economic performance
- equality
- government size
- labour market
- sugar tax
- unemployment
- O
- O’Brien, James Bronterre
- Obama, Barack
- offshoring
- Ohlin, Bertil
- oil
- income elasticity of demand
- world market
- oil prices
- and the Phillips curve
- oil shocks
- causes of
- supply-side nature
- Okun, Arthur
- Okun’s coefficient
- Okun’s law
- oligopoly, definition
- online platforms
- openness
- opportunity cost
- of capital
- and feasible set
- and indifference curve
- order book
- Ostrom, Elinor
- Oswald, Andrew
- output
- aggregate
- determination
- and government size
- see also production function
- outsourcing
- ownership
- and control
- P
- pairwise trading
- Pakistan
- paradox of thrift
- Pareto, Vilfredo, Manual of Political Economy
- Pareto criterion
- Pareto efficiency
- allocation
- and bargaining
- and competitive equilibrium
- definition
- and market failure
- and surplus
- Pareto efficiency curve
- definition
- and surplus distribution
- Pareto improvement, definition
- Pareto inefficiency
- Parker Brothers
- patents
- cliff
- codified knowledge
- expires
- optimal
- and R&D
- payoff
- pensions
- perfect competition model
- Peru
- pessimism
- pesticides
- pharmaceutical companies
- Phillips, A. W. (‘Bill’), MONIAC
- Phillips curve
- central banks
- and expected inflation
- and oil prices
- shifting
- unstable
- physiocrats
- Pigou, Arthur
- The Economics of Welfare
- The Theory of Unemployment
- Wealth and Welfare
- Piketty, Thomas
- Pinochet, Augusto
- piracy
- Pitt, William
- planetary boundaries
- planned economies
- Poland
- policymaker
- indifference curves
- see also government policies
- political accountability
- political competition
- political institutions
- political preferences
- political rent
- political systems
- politics
- see also power
- polluter pays principle
- pollution
- and bargaining power
- see also pesticides
- Pomeranz, Kenneth
- population
- inactive
- and living standards
- and Malthus
- of working age
- Porter, Michael
- Porter Hypothesis
- Portugal
- postwar accord
- breakdown
- poverty
- see also inequality
- power
- bargaining
- coercive
- concentration of, in the firm
- definition
- employers’
- and inflation
- and institutions
- market
- monopoly
- political
- transfers of
- predistribution policy
- preferences
- central bank
- government
- pro-social
- revealed
- social
- stated
- present value calculation
- price bubbles see bubbles
- price dynamics curve (PDC)
- price elasticity of demand
- calculation
- definition
- use of in government policy
- price gaps
- capital market
- price setting
- and competition
- definition
- firm
- golden age
- hedonic
- with imported materials
- labour market
- and labour productivity
- markup
- and specialization
- whole economy
- price shock, and unemployment
- see also oil shocks
- price taking
- price-based environmental policy
- prices
- commodity
- constant
- controlled
- discrimination
- equilibrium
- house
- inflation-adjusted
- law of one
- and marginal costs
- and market organization
- market-clearing
- relative
- and rent-seeking
- reservation
- see also oil prices; oil shocks
- pricing winners
- Prince, Charles
- principal–agent models
- principal–agent problems
- credit market
- definition
- in democracy
- in employment relationship
- in insurance
- principal–agent relationship
- prisoners’ dilemma
- and altruism
- repeated
- private benefits
- private cost
- prizes
- procedural theories of justice
- procyclical
- producer surplus
- product
- average
- differentiation
- production
- in circular flow model
- cost function
- and labour
- large-scale
- in periods of crisis
- production function
- productivity
- and education
- growth trends
- and income
- labour
- and supply increase
- and unemployment
- profit maximization
- and marginal cost
- and marginal revenue
- profits
- and cost minimization
- economic
- effective tax rate
- expected
- function
- and innovation
- margin
- normal
- whole economy
- property
- common
- open-access
- private
- property rights
- community
- definition
- and market failure
- protectionism
- prudence
- prudential policy
- public goods
- definition
- and free rider
- innovation as
- non-excludable
- public opinion
- public ownership
- public policy see government policies
- punishment for free riding
- purchasing power parity (PPP)
- Putin, Vladimir
- Q
- quantitative easing (QE)
- quinoa
- quotas
- R
- race to the bottom
- railways
- Ramaphosa, Cyril
- Rasul, Imran
- ratio scale
- see also logarithmic scale
- rationed goods
- Rawls, John
- Read, Daniel
- Reagan, Ronald
- recession
- definition
- investment model
- policy response
- reciprocity
- redistribution policy
- distributionally neutral
- progressive
- regressive
- see also distribution
- regional differences
- reglobalization
- regulation
- golden age
- Rehn, Gösta
- remittances
- rent
- disequilibrium
- employment
- equilibrium
- housing
- innovation
- political
- see also economic rents; innovation rent
- rent-seeking
- dictator
- equilibrium
- laboratory experiments
- and price
- Repetto, Robert
- research and development (R&D)
- reservation indifference curve
- reservation option
- definition
- and institutional change
- residual claimant
- retail, labour productivity in
- returns to scale
- constant
- diminishing
- increasing
- see also economies of scale
- revenue see marginal revenue
- Ricardo, David
- An Essay on Profits
- On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
- Rifkin, Jeremy
- risk
- correlated
- default
- expropriation
- idiosyncratic
- liquidity
- systematic
- systemic
- undiversifiable
- Robbins, Lionel
- robots
- Rodrik, Dani
- Rogger, Daniel
- Romania
- Roosevelt, F. D.
- Roth, Alvin
- rule of law
- rules of the game
- see also institutions
- Russell, Bertrand
- Russia
- abatement policies
- Bolshevik Revolution
- capital flows
- government size
- Rustagi, Devesh
- S
- salt
- Samoa
- Samuelson, Paul
- savings
- definition
- precautionary
- scarcity
- Scherer, F. M.
- Schlecht, Otto
- Schmidt, Helmut
- school systems
- schooling
- and inequality
- see also education
- Schor, Juliet
- Schumacher, Ernst F., Small is Beautiful
- Schumpeter, Joseph
- Second World War
- secrecy
- self-interest
- selfishness
- Senior, Nassau
- services
- human
- productivity in
- shares
- Shaw, George Bernard
- Shiller, Robert J.
- shocks
- demand
- economy-wide
- exogenous
- from abroad
- household
- supply
- time for adjustment
- transmission mechanism
- see also oil shocks
- short selling
- short-run models
- short-termism
- Shum, Matthew
- Simon, Herbert
- Simon, Julian
- Simonelli, Saverio
- Singapore
- democracy
- Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Léonard de
- Skidelsky, Robert
- skill-intensity
- smartphones
- Smith, Adam
- ‘invisible hand’
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments
- Wealth of Nations
- Smith, Vernon
- social benefits
- social cost
- social dilemmas
- social insurance
- social interactions
- Nash equilibria
- see also game theory, Nash equilibrium
- social networks
- social norm
- social preferences
- social unrest
- solar panels
- Sony’s Betamax
- South Africa
- apartheid
- democracy
- volatility of components of GDP
- inequality
- pensions
- rights
- US investment
- women’s suffrage
- South Korea
- expenditure
- free time
- labour market
- manufacturing wages
- rights
- Samsung
- trade unions
- unemployment
- working hours
- sovereign debt crisis
- sovereignty, national
- Soviet Union
- collapse
- five-year economic plan
- Spain
- abatement policies
- banks
- economic performance
- house prices
- irrigation
- labour market
- trade unions
- unemployment
- special interests
- specialization
- and capitalism
- and comparative advantage
- disadvantageous
- gains from
- and trade
- winners and losers
- speculation
- speculative finance
- spending
- spillover effects
- Sri Lanka
- stagflation
- standards
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens
- steam engine
- Stern, Nicholas
- Stigler, George
- Stiglitz, Joseph
- stock, definition
- stock exchange, Nasdaq
- stock market, vox populi
- stocks, definition
- strategic complements
- strategy
- best response
- definition
- dominant
- Sturges v Bridgman
- subprime borrowers
- subprime housing crisis
- subprime mortgages
- subsidies, solar panels
- subsistence level
- substitutes, definition
- substitution effects
- definition
- and income effects
- Suez Canal
- suffrage
- universal
- women
- Sullivan, Daniel
- supply
- and equilibrium
- excess
- increase
- shocks
- short-run
- supply curve
- definition
- marginal cost curve
- supply-side
- crisis
- definition
- model
- policies
- supranational governance
- surplus
- and allocation
- and bargaining power
- consumer and producer
- distribution
- joint
- origin of concept
- and Pareto efficiency
- and tax
- and WTP
- surveys
- sustainability, environmental
- Sweden
- abatement policies
- capital flows
- and climate change
- economic performance
- equality
- government size
- growth
- inequality
- solidarity wage policy
- trade unions
- working hours
- swing voter
- Switzerland
- democracy
- postwar accord
- unemployment
- women’s suffrage
- T
- Taiwan
- tangency, definition
- tariffs
- Tavernier, Jean Baptiste
- tax
- behavioural effects
- on carbon emissions
- collection costs
- and consumption
- and deadweight loss
- dictators decisions
- distribution effect
- effective rate
- effects of
- and elasticity of demand
- expenditure
- incidence
- and innovation
- and multiplier
- pesticides
- Pigouvian
- and political competition
- progressive
- revenues
- and surpluses
- and welfare
- Taylorism
- technological progress
- and climate change
- definition
- historical
- and living standards
- and working hours
- technology
- definition
- diffusion
- dominant
- general-purpose
- and growth
- and inequality
- and investment
- and the Malthusian trap
- permanent revolution
- and production cost
- and unemployment
- and wage adjustment gap
- see also automation; innovation
- Tesco
- textbooks
- textiles
- Thailand
- Thatcher, Margaret
- The Royal Rover’s Articles
- tipping point
- toxic emissions model
- Toyota
- trade
- balance
- costs
- and fiscal policy
- gains from
- and growth
- long-run effects
- merchandise trade
- in services
- and specialization
- theory
- winners and losers
- trade unions
- declining power
- defensive
- and globalization
- golden age
- inclusive
- and labour productivity
- power
- relationship with employers
- and unemployment
- and wage setting
- trade-offs
- diffusion-invention
- environment-consumption
- see also opportunity cost, marginal rate of substitution, marginal rate of transformation
- trademarks
- trading strategies
- continuous double auction
- Dutch auction
- momentum trading
- tragedy of the commons
- transaction costs
- transatlantic telegraph cable
- transfers in-kind
- transfers of power
- trilemma of the world economy
- trust
- Turing, Alan
- Turkey
- U
- Uber
- ultimatum game
- and competition
- examples
- uncertainty
- Unconditional Basic Income Grants (UBI or BIG)
- unemployment
- by country
- constraints and preferences
- cyclical
- and demand
- equilibrium
- and government policies
- and growth
- and inequality
- inflation-stabilizing rate
- involuntary
- long run
- measuring
- and price shock
- and productivity
- rate of
- trends
- and unemployment benefit
- urban
- see also employment
- unemployment benefits
- country variations
- definition
- gross replacement rate
- unfairness
- and democracy
- see also fairness
- unintended consequences
- United Kingdom
- agrarian economy
- banks
- Black Death
- capital flows
- capital intensity
- capital market
- carbon price
- coercive power
- creative destruction
- cross-sectional inequality
- currency
- exports
- GDP per capita
- government
- Great Fire of London
- growth
- guard labour
- hockey stick
- industrial relations
- Industrial Revolution
- inequality
- inflation
- innovation funding
- job reallocation
- landfill tax
- Malthusian trap
- productivity
- relative prices
- trade in services
- trade unions
- unemployment
- US investment
- wheat trade
- working hours
- Yeo Valley
- United Nations
- data collection
- Rio Declaration
- United States
- abatement policies
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- bank credit cards
- banks
- Beveridge curve
- capital intensity
- capital market
- child mortality
- and climate change
- conflicts of interest
- Constitution
- cotton
- cross-sectional inequality
- democracy
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
- elections
- emissions trading
- expenditure
- features of economy
- Federal Reserve
- financial crisis
- firm size
- food purchases
- gender
- gold standard
- golden age
- governing elite
- government
- Great Depression
- guard labour
- hours of work
- house prices
- Hurricane Katrina
- immigration
- indigenous people
- inequality
- inflation
- information technology
- innovation funding
- labour market adjustment
- mining
- the missing middle
- money talks
- multiplier
- New Deal
- outsourcing
- payday loans
- Phillips curve
- productivity
- protectionism
- renewable energy
- Silicon Valley
- specialization
- subprime borrowers
- tech bubble
- technological progress
- trade with China
- trade unions
- unemployment
- universities
- volatility of components of GDP
- Voting Rights Act
- wages
- wheat trade
- working hours
- universal suffrage
- utilities
- utility
- V
- value added
- Van Leeuwen, Barbara
- Van Reenen, John
- Varian, Hal
- veil of ignorance
- Vespucci, Amerigo
- vicious circle
- Vickers, John
- video formatting war
- Vietnam War
- virtuous circle
- voice
- volatility
- vox populi
- W
- wage adjustment gap
- and government policies
- and technology
- wage bargaining
- see also wage setting, trade unions
- wage inflation
- wage labour
- wage setting
- definition
- golden age
- Nash equilibrium
- and specialization
- wage-price spiral
- see also inflation
- wages
- average
- best response function
- cut
- efficiency
- and employment rate
- historical
- index of real
- long run
- manufacturing
- nominal
- real
- reservation
- rural
- statutory minimum
- subsidy
- whole economy
- see also earnings
- Waldfogel, Joel
- Walmart
- Walras, Léon
- Warner, Ezra
- Watt, James
- Waxman, Henry
- weakness of will
- wealth
- and credit
- definition
- household
- inequality
- intergenerational elasticity
- intergenerational mobility
- richest share of
- target
- Weber, Max
- welfare, and taxation
- welfare state
- wellbeing measure
- Wells, H. G., War of the Worlds
- wheat trade
- White, Harry Dexter
- Whitlam, Gough
- Wikipedia
- Williamson, Oliver
- willingness to accept (WTA)
- willingness to pay (WTP)
- definition
- and demand curve
- and total surplus
- winner-take-all competition
- women’s suffrage
- Woolf, Virginia
- work
- costs and benefits
- declining role
- incentives
- organization
- piece-rate
- workers
- bargaining power
- incentives
- resistance to wage cut
- see also labour
- working hours
- and consumption
- country differences
- and economic growth
- historical trends
- long-term trends
- and technological change
- World Trade Organization
- WWII see Second World War
- Z
- zero lower bound
- Zimbabwe
- Zuckerberg, Mark