Copyright acknowledgements
Cover: Paraisópolis, São Paulo, Brazil © Tuca Vieira. Unit 1: Shinjuku, Tokyo nightlife: Kevin Poh,, licensed under CC BY 2.0. Adam Smith: Etching created by Cadell and Davies (1811), John Horsburgh (1828) or R.C. Bell (1872). Unit 2: Automated assembly process: Moreno Soppelsa/ Irving Fisher’s sketch of his hydraulic model of economic equilibrium: Irving Fisher. Joseph Schumpeter: Volkswirtschaftliches Institut, Universität Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany,, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Unit 3: Old clock mechanisms: Jose Ignacio Soto/ Unit 4: Les Joueurs de Carte (Card Players): Paul Cézanne, Courtauld Institute of Art. Elinor Ostrom: Holger Motzkau 2010, Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0). John Nash: Peter Badge/Typos1,, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Unit 5: Founders of Nashville shaking hands: Vilfredo Pareto: Paul Fearn/Alamy Stock Photo. Unit 6: Detroit Industry, North Wall: Art Directors & TRIP/Alamy Stock Photo. Herbert Simon: AP/Shutterstock. Karl Marx: John Jabez Edwin Mayall, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Netherlands. John Stuart Mill: Unknown author, Popular Science Monthly Volume 3. Unit 7: Bullit 1955 advertisement: courtesy Bullit Motor Company; photograph by Don O’Brien, Augustin Cournot: Unknown author, Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons. Unit 8: Vegetable market, Da Lat, Vietnam: Hoxuanhuong/, Alfred Marshall: Unknown author, The Economic Journal Vol. 34, No. 135 (Sep., 1924), pp. 311-372. Léon Walras: Unknown author, Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons. Unit 9: Construction workers: United States of America MCSN Rob Aylward/U.S. Navy. Unit 10: QR code on a market stall: Reuters/Alamy Stock Photo/Shailesh Andrade . Unit 11: Friedrich Hayek: LSE Library. Unit 12: Deepwater Horizon drilling rig on fire: Courtesy of US Coastguard. Ronald Coase: Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics, University of Chicago Law School. Arthur Pigou: Mary Evans Picture Library. Unit 13: An impending storm: 80 trading 24,, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Unit 14: Heatpipe tunnel Copenhagen: Bill Ebbesen,, licensed under CC BY 3.0. John Maynard Keynes: IMF. Unit 15: 25th Annual Sonoma County Hot Air Balloon Classic: Sean Freese,, licensed under CC BY 2.0. Bill Phillips: LSE Library. Unit 16: Robot waiters: Reuters/CSN. Unit 17: Financial Crisis Headline Montage:,, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Hyman Minsky: Pontificador,, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Unit 18: Container ship CSCL Venus of the China Shipping Line: Buonasera,, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. David Ricardo: Unknown author, Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons. Unit 19: Paraisópolis, São Paulo, Brazil © Tuca Vieira. Unit 20: Earth rise as seen from Apollo 11: NASA The Grand Banks fishing schooner: W.R. MacAskill, Wallace MacAskill Photographic Collection, Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management, Reference no. 20040026, The Evening Echo: 25 October 1921. Unit 21: Visual representation of the Internet: LyonLabs, LLC and Barrett Lyon, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. Unit 22: Elections in South Africa: FARRELL/AP/REX/Shutterstock. Kenneth Arrow: RED/AP/REX/Shutterstock. Albert Hirschman: Herman Landshoff, photographer, from the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA.
We would like to acknowledge everybody who granted us permission to reproduce images, figures and quotations throughout this text. Every effort was made to trace copyright holders, but we will make arrangements to clear permission for material reproduced in this book with any copyright holders whom it has not been possible to contact.