William Butler Yeats

William Butler Yeats, zdroj wikipédia

William Butler Yeats (∗ 13. jún 1865, Sandymount pri Dubline – † 28. január 1939, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin pri Nice) bol írsky básnik a dramatik.

V roku 1923 mu bola udelená Nobelova cena za literatúru.

Dielo , 1886 - Mosada , 1888 - Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry , 1889 - The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems , 1891 - Representative Irish Tales , 1891 - John Sherman and Dhoya , 1892 - Irish Faerie Tales , 1892 - The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics , 1893 - The Celtic Twilight , 1894 - The Land of Heart's Desire , 1895 - Poems , 1897 - The Secret Rose , 1899 - The Wind Among the Reeds , 1900 - The Shadowy Waters , 1902 - Cathleen ni Houlihan , 1903 - Ideas of Good and Evil , 1903 - In the Seven Woods , 1907 - Discoveries , 1910 - The Green Helmet and Other Poems , 1912 - The Cutting of an Agate , 1913 - Poems Written in Discouragement , 1914 - Responsibilities , 1916 - Reveries Over Childhood and Youth , 1917 - The Wild Swans at Coole , 1918 - Per Amica Silentia Lunae , 1921 - Michael Robartes and the Dancer , 1921 - Four Plays for Dancers , 1921 - Four Years , 1922 - Later Poems , 1924 - The Cat and the Moon , 1925 - A Vision , 1926 - Estrangement , 1926 - Autobiographies , 1927 - October Blast , 1928 - The Tower , 1929 - The Winding Stair , 1933 - The Winding Stair and Other Poems , 1934 - Collected Plays , 1935 - A Full Moon in March , 1938 - New Poems , 1939 - Last Poems and Two Plays (posmrtne) , 1939 - On the Boiler (posmrtne)

; Preklady do slovenčiny , 2012 - Večné volanie (Výber básní), preložila Jana Kantorová-Báliková, Ikar


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William Butler Yeats má na Slovensku 0 ulíc a námestí.

Kategórie: Nositelia Nobelovej ceny za literatúru, .
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